Expanded Potential Stem Cell
Human EPSC culture medium
(for the maintenance of Human EPSCs)
Human EPSC lines
(from human preimplantation embryo /reprogramming)
(available for research)
Porcine EPSC culture medium
(for the maintenance of porcine EPSCs)
Pig EPSC lines
(from pig preimplantation embryo)
(available for research)
Bovine EPSC culture medium
(for the maintenance of Bovine EPSCs)
Bovine EPSC lines
(from bovie preimplantation embryo)
(available for research)

Human Blood Cells Reprogram to hEPSCs
3ml~5ml Blood cells, Fast reprogramming
Differentiate to embryonic and extra-embryonic lineages
Long-term genomic stability
(>50 passages Karyotype normal)
Reduced heterogeneity reduced line to line variation
Short time: 15-20 days.
High efficiency: 100%

Effcient for Genome Editing Gene
Knock-out/ Knock-in
Single-cell RNAseq and Single-cell ATACseq
MGI Technology
Price : ~ 1 HKD/Cell
Microfluidic system and DNA Nanoball sequencing technology
One sample for both scRNAseq and scATACseq